Ceramic Braces Singapore: Everything You Should Know

What Is It?

Ceramic braces are used to straighten teeth and might be a good alternative to metal braces. They have a clear appearance and look better on the wearer’s teeth.

They’re built to last and don’t discolor teeth easily. They are highly recommended and have been frequently used to rectify the position of the teeth.

The ceramic braces singapore are comfortable to wear and progressively straighten the teeth. They have no side effects and can form your teeth in about a year. They function in the same way as metal braces, giving the face a correct smile and healthy teeth.

The Treatment

These braces must be applied by a dentist in a clinic. The dentist will use a steel archwire and a rubber band to fit the braces, which will hold each tooth in place. Depending on the wearer’s needs, this archwire may be exchanged with a silver archwire.

The ceramic braces take about 20-30 minutes to install. It takes roughly a week to adjust to the new addition to their teeth.

These braces are suitable for tooth realignment and perform well when worn for extended periods by the user.


Ceramic braces are suitable for people of all ages. These braces can be worn by children as young as six years old, based on their needs. Adults and teenagers can wear if they have a dental issue that requires attention.


This rehabilitation of teeth with ceramic braces singapore takes over a year to complete.

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