Raccoons are intelligent and adaptable creatures that can become a nuisance when they invade residential areas. While it is important to handle raccoon removal humanely, it is equally crucial to ensure the safety of both humans and the raccoons themselves. Here are some of the best solutions for raccoon removal:

Raccoon Removal Service

  • Prevention: The first step in raccoon removal is to prevent them from entering your property in the first place. Seal any potential entry points such as gaps in the roof, broken vents or uncapped chimneys. Secure trash cans with tight-fitting lids and eliminate any potential food sources like fallen fruits or bird feeders.
  • Repellents: Raccoon repellents can be effective in deterring raccoons from your property. Commercially available repellents usually contain natural ingredients like predator urine or hot pepper extracts, which emit odors that raccoons find unpleasant. Apply these repellents strategically around your property, especially near entry points.
  • Trapping: Live trapping is a common method used for raccoon removal. Select a humane trap specifically designed for raccoons, placing it near their entry points or where they frequently visit. Bait the trap with food like canned tuna or marshmallows. Once trapped, contact a wildlife professional or local animal control to handle the relocation of the raccoon.
  • Exclusion techniques: If you suspect raccoons are nesting in your attic or crawl spaces, exclusion techniques can be employed. Install one-way doors or mesh screens over their entry points, allowing raccoons to leave but not re-enter. It is important to ensure there are no baby raccoons left behind as they cannot leave on their own. Seek professional assistance if needed.
  • Ultrasonic devices: Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to raccoons and other pests. These devices can be placed in areas where raccoons are frequently sighted and the sound will deter them from coming closer. However, their effectiveness may vary and they should be used in conjunction with other methods.
  • Professional assistance: If you are unsure or uncomfortable dealing with boerne raccoon removal on your own, it is best to seek professional help. Wildlife experts have the knowledge, experience and proper equipment to handle raccoon removal safely and efficiently. They can assess the situation, determine the best course of action and ensure that the raccoons are relocated appropriately.

It is important to note that in some areas, raccoon removal may require permits or involve specific regulations. Before attempting any removal methods, check with your local wildlife authorities or animal control to ensure you are following the appropriate guidelines. Remember, raccoons are wild animals and can potentially carry diseases, so it is essential to prioritize your safety and handle raccoon removal responsibly.