Enlighten Your Understanding of Gas Chromatography Application

Regular applications of GC include Testing the purity of a particular substance, or separating the different components of a mix the relative amounts of these components may also be ascertained. In certain situations, GC might help in identifying a compound. In preparative chromatography, GC can be used to prepare pure materials from a mixture. In gas Chromatography, the moving phase or mobile phase is a carrier gas, usually an inert gas such as helium or an unreactive gas such as nitrogen. The stationary phase is a microscopic coating of liquid or polymer on an inert solid support, within a sheet of glass or metal tubing called a column a homage to the fractionating column used in distillation. The apparatus used to perform gas chromatography is known as a gas chromatograph or aerograph, gas separator.

Gas Chromatography

The Gaseous compounds being analysed Interact with the walls of the column, which may be coated with different stationary phases. This causes each compound to elute at another time, known as the retention period of the chemical. The comparison of retention times is what gives GC its analytical usefulness. Gas Chromatography is in principle very similar to column chromatography along with other forms of chromatography, such as HPLC, TLC, but has many notable differences. First, the practice of dividing the substances in a mixture is done between a liquid stationary phase and a gas moving phase, whereas in column chromatography the stationary phase is a solid and the moving phase is a liquid. Hence the whole name of this practice is Gas-liquid chromatography, referring to the mobile and stationary phases, respectively.

Secondly, the column where the gasoline Phase moves is situated in an oven where the temperature of the gas can be controlled, whereas column chromatography typically wasn’t having such temperature control. Thirdly, the concentration of a compound in the gas phase is merely a function of the vapor pressure of the gas. Very best gas chromatography is also like fractional distillation, because both processes separate the components of a mixture primarily based on boiling point or vapor pressure differences. But fractional distillation is typically used to different components of a mixture on a large scale, whereas GC might be used on a much smaller scale i.e., microscale. Gas Chromatography is also occasionally called vapor-phase chromatography VPC, or gas-liquid partition chromatography GLPC. These alternative names, together with their various abbreviations, are often found in scientific literature. Strictly speaking, GLPC is the most suitable language, and is thus favored by many writers.

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